According to a recent CDC report (MMWR, Wheeler et al, 2015), as of 2014:
- There were 644 local opioid overdose prevention programs distributing naloxone to laypersons nationwide (a layperson is defined as a
non-medical professional who may come into contact with a person overdosed on an opioid).
- From 1996-2014, these programs reported providing naloxone to 152,283 persons
resulting in 26,463 overdose reversals and lives saved.
- Studies have found that providing naloxone kits does not lead to increased abuse or
riskier use of opioids and can actually lead to increased enrollment in drug treatment. As of 2014, Utah passed laws (Utah Code § 26-55-101) to make prescribing
and distributing naloxone rescue kits to laypersons legal. Clinicians, the VA, public health providers, and injury prevention programs are now getting these naloxone rescue kits to people who
may witness an opioid overdose. These kits are saving lives.
Naloxone Access Laws as of 2014
Naloxone Access Laws as of 2016
Expanding access to naloxone, as recommended by the CDC, is the goal of Utah